Early Bird Price

AI Mastery Made Easy (BETA)

Unlock the true power of machine learning to take your projects from stuck to SUPERCHARGED

Visual Algorithm Explanations

Break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand visual stories, making learning accessible and enjoyable.

Interactive Quizzes and Mini-workshops

Cement your understanding with quizzes that adapt to your learning pace. Apply what you learn to real-world projects, enhancing your portfolio and practical skills.

Tailored Personal Project

Create projects based on your interests.

Embark on a journey from confusion to clarity in AI, turning complex algorithms into a great chatbot with our guidance and support.

Write your awesome label here.

✋🏽Raise your hand if you're feeling...

  • Overwhelmed by the complexity of AI algorithms.
  • Frustrated with theoretical knowledge that doesn't translate into practical skills.
  • Isolated in your learning journey, wishing for a community and mentorship.


  • ...feeling anxious and defeated in the morning because you can't seem to grasp the advanced concepts of machine learning, no matter how many articles or tutorials you go through.

  • ...struggling to make significant progress in your projects, waiting for that breakthrough moment when everything clicks, but facing constant setbacks instead

  • ...always feel on the edge of giving up because the technical jargon and abstract theories feel like a foreign language, worrying about missing out on the booming AI revolution

  • ...spending countless hours on forums and in online courses, seeking answers but only finding more confusion, leading to a cycle of procrastination and disillusionment

  • ...dreaming of building impactful AI solutions that can change the world, but feeling paralyzed by the fear of failure and the imposter syndrome that whispers you're not good enough


  • ... waking up in the morning energized and confident because you've finally cracked the code to understanding and applying machine learning in real-world projects

  • ...effortlessly navigating through complex algorithms and datasets, achieving breakthroughs in your projects that once seemed out of reach, all within a few months

  • ... never feel overwhelmed again, and when faced with a challenge, you'll have the knowledge, tools, and a supportive community to turn to for solutions

  • …seeing your work make a tangible impact, whether in improving environmental conservation through data analysis, enhancing medical diagnoses with deep learning, or revolutionizing market predictions for businesses

  • ...being recognized by your peers and industry leaders for your contributions, receiving offers to collaborate on cutting-edge projects, and knowing you're at the forefront of the AI revolution


AI Mastery Made Easy

Build Projects Easily by Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning Through Visual Stories.

What's included

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Machine Learning Algorithms Explained Visually

From Decision trees to Support Vector Machines, we'll break down each concept into bite-sized pieces, making complex theories accessible to learners of all levels. You'll also get examples of real-world projects with code and step-by-step explanations.

Tools: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn

➡️ Linear Regression
➡️ Logistic Regression
➡️ Naive Bayes
➡️ Decision Trees
➡️ Support Vector Machine
➡️ Ensemble Methods
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Deep Learning Algorithms Explained Visually

Through captivating visuals and interactive demonstrations, you'll explore the building blocks of deep learning, from Convolutional Neural Networks to Transformers.  You'll also get examples of real-world projects with code and step-by-step explanations.

Tools: Pytorch, Hugging Face

➡️ Introduction to Deep Learning
➡️ Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
➡️ Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
➡️ Transformers
Write your awesome label here.


Boost your creativity with our mini-workshops about different steps of end-to-end projects like webscraping, how to deploy a project using streamlit, how to create an API for your project.
Write your awesome label here.

8-week Mentorship sessions

You'll get help to understand the theory and create your personal projects, whether to build your portfolio or to use them in your business with our group Mentorship sessions. 
Write your awesome label here.

Live Q&As

Specific questions? You'll get access to Live Q&As. 
An unmatched opportunity to get tailored advice and feedback.

Interactive experience

Click on the slides to see the changes. This is an overview of what you'll get in the course.

 Linear regression

First, we sum all the points.

Then, we do the average to get the error.

We calculate the difference between the prediction and the target.

And finally, the square of the difference. 

 Gradient Descent

Indeed, the best parameters are all the way down.

 Random Forest

First, we sum all the points.

Then, we do the average to get the error.

We calculate the difference between the prediction and the target.

And finally, the square of the difference. 


ONLY $50*

*Limited Time Offer Of $50 USD.
Lifetime access.

Enroll Today and Get This
Extra FREE Bonus

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+ Bonus 1

Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning Masterclass

[Value: $47]
- Topics: Identifying and mitigating biases, ensuring fairness in models.
- Focus: Understanding ethical considerations related to bias in machine learning and practical strategies for fair model development.
Write your awesome label here.

+ Bonus 2

Machine Learning Workflow Mastery

[Value: $97]
Understand the step-by-step process of the machine learning workflow, gaining a systematic approach to solving problems with snippets of code.

This advantage ensures that you not only build accurate models but also streamline the entire data science journey efficiently.
You will find everything you need to gain the skills to implement machine learning techniques in real-world applications:

➡️ Problem Definition and Data Collection
➡️ Data Preparation and Preprocessing
➡️ Model Selection and Training
➡️ Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning

Is this you?

  • You want to delve into the intricacies of how machine learning models make predictions.
  • You are insecure about your ability to comprehend machine learning and deep learning concepts.
  • You often feel overwhelmed by the technical jargon and abstract theories, desiring a more intuitive understanding.
  • Feeling stuck between learning and applying?
  • Overwhelmed by the vast amount of theoretical knowledge?
  • Dreaming of creating machine learning chatbots but don't know where to start?
  • Struggling to understand complex ML/DL algorithms?

Once you've embraced the visual stories and resources of our course, you're going to see yourself launching projects that were once just dreams, transforming industries, and making a real difference.

That’s all great,
but how is AI MASTERY MADE EASY different from other Data Science programs out there?

The only thing standing between you and your dream AI projects is a clear, understandable path through the complexity of ML/DL.
Here's my 5-step plan to bridge that gap and ensure your success.


Foundation Building Through Visual Learning

Begin your journey with our visually engaging content that breaks down complex machine learning and deep learning concepts into understandable segments. This foundation ensures you grasp the essentials, setting the stage for more advanced learning.


Interactive Quizzes and Assessments

Solidify your understanding with interactive quizzes designed to test your knowledge and identify areas needing reinforcement. This immediate feedback loop accelerates your learning and ensures mastery of foundational concepts.


Hands-on Projects for Real-World Experience

Apply what you’ve learned through guided, hands-on projects that tackle real-world problems. These projects are crafted to challenge and refine your skills, providing practical experience.


Personalized Mentorship to Overcome Challenges

Navigate the complexities of your learning journey with personalized mentorship sessions. We provide tailored guidance, answer your questions, and help you overcome any obstacles, ensuring steady progress toward your goals.


Community Support and Networking

Engage with our vibrant community of AI enthusiasts, professionals, and fellow learners. This network is a valuable resource for support, feedback, and networking opportunities, enriching your learning experience and opening doors to future opportunities.

Imagine if you could...

  • Grasp complex algorithms through engaging visual stories.
  • Test your knowledge with interactive quizzes that make learning fun.
  • Complete hands-on projects that add value to your portfolio and the world.
  • Receive guidance with mentorship sessions.

This is for you if:

  • 👊🏽 You're passionate about machine learning but feel intimidated by its complexity.
  • 👊🏽 You're eager to learn but haven't found the right resources to guide you.
  • 👊🏽 You're ready to take control of your learning journey and unlock your full potential in machine learning and deep learning doing chatbots.
  • 👊🏽 You're a programmer, creator, entrepreneur, or innovator with a coding background who wants to learn practical skills to build innovative applications with AI.

By the end of this program, you will have:

  • ⚡️ A deep understanding of machine learning and deep learning concepts.
  • ⚡️ The confidence to tackle real-world problems using machine learning techniques.
  • ⚡️The skills to continue your journey and explore advanced topics in the field.
  • ⚡️ Your own project based on your preferences.

The AI Mastery Made Easy Secret Sauce

What sets AI MASTERY MADE EASY apart is its innovative approach to learning. We understand that traditional methods fall short when it comes to teaching complex topics like machine learning. That's why we've crafted a course that caters to visual learners, making concepts accessible to all, to AI enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, innovators, developers.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery and mastery in machine learning? It's time to take the first step towards transforming your understanding.



Don't take any risks

I'm so confident in the value of AI Mastery Made Easy that I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Your satisfaction is my priority! Send me an email to support@codistwa.com and I'll refund your entire purchase, no questions asked.
Bite-sized lessons
Interactive learning experience
Flexible learning schedule

Let's Recap

In summary, inside AI MASTERY MADE EASY you will find:
  • Algorithms Explained with Visual Stories: Engaging guides breaking down complex algorithms into digestible chunks and interactive illustrations that bring abstract concepts to life, from theory to real-world application, making learning enjoyable and effective...
  • Mini-workshops: Boost your creativity with our mini-workshops about different steps of end-to-end projects like webscraping, deployment, creating an API....
  • Interactive Quizzes: Solidify your understanding with interactive quizzes designed to test your knowledge and identify areas needing reinforcement......
  • Community Access: Ask your questions and get answers if you are stuck.....
  • Lifetime Access: Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever..... 
  • BONUS 1: Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning Masterclass: understand ethical considerations related to bias in machine learning and practical strategies for fair model development...(Value $47)
  • BONUS 2: Machine Learning Workflow Mastery: understand the step-by-step process of the machine learning workflow, gaining a systematic approach to solving problems with snippets of code....(Value $97)


  • ✅ Basic programming skills in Python or R, that's it!
If you need help with that, join our FREE course here.

Your Data Science Mentor

With a background in computer science and a fresh perspective on the art of learning Data Science, Assitan loves creating bite-sized resources to help AI enthusiasts. She loves creating chatbots and impact data science projects.

You have questions, we have answers

We've put together a list of the most frequently asked questions by our students.

Do I need to be good at math to understand this course?

No, the formulas and equations are explained with visual explanations, where I break down everything, even the terms. And if you have any questions, you can ask in the community and I will answer.

Do I need any prior experience with machine learning and deep learning?

This course is focused on machine learning and deep learning. You will learn the concepts here. So it's designed for beginners in machine learning.

When can I get access to the course?

You will get access right away to the course. As the course is in real-time (beta), you will get access as it is built.

Is the data science workflow explained?

Yes, you'll get access the course "Machine Learning Workflow" as a bonus. 

What if I get stuck on a concept?

We offer a variety of support resources to help you learn, including a private group where you can share your progress and questions.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're unsatisfied with the mini-course, you can cancel and receive a full refund. Just send a message to support@codistwa.com, no questions asked.

I have a busy schedule, will I be able to keep up with the course?

We've designed our content to be flexible and accessible. You can learn at your own pace, and our bite-sized lessons fit into even the busiest schedules.

Do I need to know how to code?

Yes! This course won't teach you how to code, so make sure to be comfortable with coding (at least 6 months of experience with pro and/or personal projects). If you don't know Python, join our FREE course here.

Can I really learn complex subjects online?

Our innovative approach to online learning combines visual aids, interactive elements, and personal mentorship, making complex subjects not just learnable but deeply understandable, regardless of your starting point.

What are the benefits of taking your course over a free course?

While free resources are available, our guide offers unique advantages like straightforward resources and up-to-date content using visuals created especially for this program so you can understand the concepts in depth. These benefits ensure you receive a more comprehensive and tailored learning experience.

I've tried other courses and didn't see results.

 Unlike other courses that focus solely on theory, our unique blend of visual storytelling, interactive learning, and real-world application ensures that you not only understand complex concepts but can also apply them effectively in your projects and career.

Is there an expiration date?

No, this course is for you for life, and you will get updates.

I have a question not listed here!

I can be reached at hello@codistwa.com! Feel free to send any questions you have.

One last thing before you go, beautiful human

What if the reason you are struggling to understand machine learning is because you haven't found the right approach? How much potential have you missed out on because traditional methods have failed you?

The truth is, if you want to master machine learning, you need the right tools and guidance. And if you need a helping hand in your journey, then AI MASTERY MADE EASY is for you.⤵️

One-Time Payment Only. 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE

Disclaimer: Success in mastering machine learning, deep learning requires dedication, commitment, and a willingness to explore challenging concepts. While our course provides valuable insights and guidance, individual results may vary.
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