AI Mastery Made Simple

Create Impactful Machine Learning and Deep learning Projects
with Our Visual Story-Driven Learning Approach.

AI Mastery Made Simple

Unlock the True Power of Machine Learning to
Take Your Projects from Stuck to SUPERCHARGED through Visual Stories

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

Jim Rohn

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Master Ensemble Methods with Visual Stories

A workshop designed to empower AI developers and machine learning practitioners to enhance churn prediction models without the usual complexities.
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🚨 We're looking for beta testers

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Build Projects Easily by Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning Through Visual Stories.
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Discover Your Next Data Science Project Idea

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Get tailored project suggestions based on your unique skills and interests.
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Design Your Custom Machine Learning Chatbot

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This quiz aims to help you create a machine learning-powered chatbot tailored to your interests, passions, culture, values, and expertise area. Answer the following questions honestly to uncover your ideal chatbot concept.

Math for Machine Learning Comprehensive Guide

The Ultimate guide to understanding Math for Machine Learning Quickly.
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Benefits of our training programs

We have designed the most motivating learning paths for you.


Machine Learning Workflow Mastery 

Everything you need to gain the skills to implement machine learning in real-world applications step-by-step.


Interactive Visual Courses

We use the power of illustrations to help you understand the machine learning theory more easily with in-depth explanations. We use analogies so you can understand complex concepts.


Data Science LAB 🧪

A monthly program to Learn, Practice and Experiment with Data Science without the Overwhelm.


Machine Learning Blueprint

Everything you need to develop a deep understanding of machine learning fundamentals and to gain the skills to implement machine learning in real-world applications with interactive content.


Data Science LAB 🧪

The Data Science LAB is a simple community to help you bridge the gap between theory and practical usage with quizzes, exercises and hands-on data science micro-challenges that simulate real-world scenarios and emphasize developing soft skills.

FREE courses

Courses that optimize your time and allow you to grasp the fundamentals without feeling overwhelmed.
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AI Mastery Made Easy

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Build Projects Easily by Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning Through Visual Stories.
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AI Mastery Made Easy

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Build Projects Easily by Mastering Machine Learning and Deep Learning Through Visual Stories.


Join masterclasses on specific data science topics, so you can deepen your knowledge and skyrocket your skills in no time.
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Data Science Projects Academy - Pre Sale

How to create real-world projects that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enabling you to build a strong portfolio.

Machine Learning Concepts Illustrated

Are you finding it challenging to confidently explain complex machine learning algorithms such as logistic regression and gradient descent?
Introducing "Machine Learning Illustrated" – the ultimate solution to demystify the complexities of machine learning and elevate your expertise to new heights.

1:1 Mentorship

I can help you create a personalized roadmap and
give you resources for your continuous learning
so you can get a successful career in Data Science.
Aim high, see big, judge widely

Get Closer To Your Goals

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the quantity of information in Data Science? Are you unsure how to best navigate this huge field? Do you feel not enough good in math and that discourage you?

Studying with us will help you learn how to build, improve and explain your machine learning models. You'll leave with mathematical intuition to create amazing projects to build your portfolio, a business, etc.

Assitan Koné

My name is Assitan Koné, and I'm the founder of Codistwa.
I have been a software engineer since 2013 and trained in AI in 2020. I love creating chatbots.
My passion for coding and helping people improve their tech skills drive my days.
As a digital arts graduate, I love explaining machine learning  concepts with illustrations.
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